The Rainfall Outlook for July 2024
The July 2024 weather outlook indicates that most parts of the northern parts of Kenya will be generally
dry and sunny while the other parts will have cool and cloudy conditions. The Highlands west of the Rift
Valley, parts of the Central and Southern Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria Basin, parts of the Highlands East
of the Rift Valley (Nyandarua and Western Laikipia) and parts of Northwestern Kenya are likely to
experience near to above normal cumulative rainfall. This rainfall may occasionally extend eastwards into
other parts of the Highlands East of the Rift Valley and Nairobi County. Occasional cool and cloudy
conditions with light rains are expected in the Central Highlands, Nairobi area, parts of western Kenya,
the Central Rift Valley, and the Southeastern Lowlands as the cold season continues. The Coastal zone
is expected to receive normal to above normal rainfall totals. Temperatures are anticipated to be warmer
than average for July across the entire country.

June 2024 Rainfall Review
In June 2024, several parts of the country remained relatively dry. However, rainfall was recorded in the
Highlands West of the Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria Basin, the Central and Southern Rift Valley, the
Coastal Strip as well as a few areas over the Highlands East of the Rift Valley, including Nairobi County.
This rainfall was near to below the long-term averages for the month of June over most stations, with
the exception of Dagoretti Corner and Wilson Airport, where above-average rainfall was recorded.
Occasional cool and cloudy conditions were experienced over Highlands East of the Rift Valley, Nairobi
County, parts of the southeastern lowlands, Central and South Rift Valley.