MARINE FORECAST VALID 24th to 30th September 2024.
Wind Speed & Direction:
- South-easterly winds are expected over Tanzania and Kenya waters; south-westerly winds are expected over Somalia waters with wind speeds of 10 to 25 knots (5-12.5 m/s) throughout the forecast period.
Sig. Wave Height and Direction:
- South-easterly waves are expected over Tanzania and Kenya waters; south-easterly turning into southerly waves are expected over Somalia waters with wave heights of 1.2 –2.4m (≈ 4 – 8ft) throughout the forecast period.
Sea conditions:
- Moderate to rough sea condition with wave heights of 1.2-2.4m (4-8ft) expected over the Somalia waters throughout the forecast period.
- Fresh to strong breeze with wind speeds of 5 – 12.5m/s (10 to 25 Knots) expected over Somalia waters throughout the forecast period.