Is branch of meteorological department charged with role of generating and disseminating weather and climate information for various users that include general public, specialized economic sectors, and Marine services. The branch is also responsible for insuring efficient and effective quality meteorological data exchange on the national, regional and global meteorological networks. The branch consists of three divisions namely weather prediction division, public weather services and Meteorological communication.
Public Weather Services:
The main objectives is to enhance awareness of available meteorological services and their benefits to the public and policy makers and to ensure correct public understanding and interpretation of the meteorological information. This was based on the understanding that the more knowledge the public and policy makers have on weather, the more they will appreciate and be supportive of efforts aimed at improving the quality of weather forecast.
Weather information and severe weather warnings helping the Kenyan government, businesses, emergency responders and public to make informed decisions.
We are also responsible for the severe weather warnings, which aims to give advance warning of extreme weather to the public, businesses, emergency services and Government.
The aims of the PWS are to:
Produce weather forecasts which help the Kenyan public to make informed decisions about day-to-day activities.
Warn people of extreme weather to mitigate its impacts - contributing to the protection of life, property and infrastructure.
Improve weather and climate predictions through research.
PWS is using social media tools to educate the public and share critical information related to our mission.
Engaging the public and our partners in effective conversation around important weather and climate issues is part of our effort to build Weather-ready, Climate-smart Nation.
Connect with us online! Use the interface below to discover our social media accounts:
https://twitter.com/MeteoKenya, https://www.facebook.com/KenyaMeteorologicalDepartment