Biomet provide services to human and animal health thereby leading to early detection, prevention, adaptation and mitigation of avoidable and associated health problems. Bio-meteorological…
The Agrometeorological provides both services to the agriculture and food security sectors of the national economy. Regular 10-day Agrometeorological bulletins are issued throughout the year.
Hydromet contributes to sustainable socio-economic development through provision of sector specific hydro-meteorological information services. This is realized through a network of seventeen (17)…
Daily marine near shore forecast for Kenyan coast for Kwale, Mombasa, Kilifi and Lamu are issued.
Dr. David Gikungu is…
The Institute for Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR) is a World Meteorological Organization Regional Training Centre (WMO - RTC) in Nairobi. The Institute is charged with the…
The branch contribution to safety, efficiency and regularity for National and International Air Navigational Services. This is achieved through provision of relevant meteorological information /…
This Branch consists of three sub branches, namely observation and network design, climate data management and climate analytical services. Observation and network design sub branch coordinate the…
Establised in 2012, the County Meteorological Office (CMO) is the sub-national weather service of KMD and is intended to be an information centre to provide the the County with relevant weather…
The Research Division at the Kenya Meteorological Department is charged with the responsibility of coordination…